Haja Posseh Wonder Stoves

Haja Posseh Wonder Stoves

Sierra Leone

in partnership with Westwind Energy

BDL is continuing their strong partnership with Westwind Energy (WWE) in Sierra Leone to enhance the existing design of the Haja Posseh (HP) Wonder Stoves, including both wood and charcoal fuel designs. The primary focus will be to improve the design for manufacturing so that WWE can scale their operation. Together, BDL and WWE aspire to impact millions of households with access to cleaner burning cookstoves over the next decade.

WWE has pending orders for thousands of stoves. In order to meet the demand, BDL and WWE are currently designing the new factory layout, as part of the Factory Expansion plan to increase stove production to over 15,000 HP Wonder stoves per month. BDL will provide technical support on the manufacturing process, workflow, equipment selection, and material selection as we prepare to impact millions of households with the HP Wonder Stoves over the next decade.

Project Outcomes

  • Impact

    Over one million stoves over the next 5 years

  • Design

    Improve the existing designs of both the HP Wood and Charcoal stoves

  • Manufacturing

    Increase capacity to 5k stoves/month in 2025, and upwards of 15k stoves/month in 2026

  • Factory Expansion

    Workflow, factory layout improvements, equipment selection, tooling design, etc.

Partners and Sponsors

Westwind Energy


Osprey Foundation


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