N95 Decontamination Boxes
COVID-19 Relief
Decontaminating PPE for Firefighters across the Metro Seattle Area
Designers and Engineers from Burn Design Lab have been working in partnership with the University of Washington School of Mechanical Engineering, UW's Engineering Innovation in Health program led by Dr. Jonathan Posner, King County Public Health, and regional first responders to develop decontamination boxes to aid in the COVID-19 relief effort.
The decontamination boxes, designed in part by BDL intern Dan Casey, rely on ultraviolet germicidal irradiation (UVGI), using UV light bulbs, to disinfect the precious N95 respirator masks currently in such high demand. Once the boxes are distributed to local fire stations around the Seattle and Tacoma area, first responders are able to clean and disinfect masks and other protective gear in their possession.
Electrical equipment for each box is provided by Cycle Fab, sheet metal and parts are provided by Meadow Creature, and all manufacturing and assembly is carried out by BDL engineers on site in our shop on Vashon Island. Boxes have already been distributed to fire stations across Washington State.
Funding for this project has been generously provided by King County Public Health, Population Health, Medtronic Foundation, and the Medic One Foundation. Read more about the project from the University of Washington Mechanical Engineering.
“This is a collaboration where groups from around the region stepped up to recognize a community need and provide a solution. This will go a long way toward ensuring firefighters, paramedics and ambulance crews across the state have a secure supply of critical protective equipment.”
—Dave Van Valkenburg, Deputy chief for the Kirkland Fire Department
Thank you for your generous support!
King Country Public Health
Population Health
Medtronic Foundation
Medic One Foundation
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